Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Wing Chun Assistant Instructor
Lion Dance Assistant Instructor
Head Coach Janel Tjiong (張艾寧) began her martial arts training in 2001 and has studied Wushu, Tai Chi, Shaolin Kung Fu, Hung Ga Kung Fu, and Taekwondo. She is a world champion, certified judge, and professional instructor recognized by the International Wushu Federation, Pan American Wushu Federation, and Chinese Wushu Association. Coach Janel has trained Wushu at the East China Jiaotong University (ECJTU), Nanchang, China as part of an on-going partnership and exchange program between ECJTU and WKFFC. She is a recipient of the President’s Award for Educational Achievement.
2024 USAWKF National Wushu Coach Certification
Canada National Wushu Championship - Team Trials (Canada)
Certified Pan American Wushu Coach (California)
16th World Wushu Championships - Coordinator of Security and Access Control (Texas)
Pan American Kungfu Championships Judge (Canada)
USAWKF Taolu National Ranking Judge (Texas)
Presidential Wushu Cup Judge (Virginia)
New England Int'l Wushu Kungfu Championships Judge (Connecticut)
Pan American Wushu Federation Certified Judge (Texas)
USAWKF Supplemental Adult Team Trial Judge (Texas)
US National Ranking Judge (Texas)
USAWKF Kungfu Team Trials Judge (Texas)
Intercollege Wushu Games Judge (Maryland)
Taolu Judge A Certification by Int'l Wushu Federation (Texas)
USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Trial Judge (Texas)
2018 to present University Wushu Games Judge (Maryland)
NJ International Wushu Kung Fu Tournament Official Judge (New Jersey)
Head Coach Jared Tjiong (張永祥) began his martial arts training in 2001 and has studied Wushu, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Taekwondo. He is an international champion, 3-time USA Grand Champion, certified judge, and professional instructor recognized by the International Wushu Federation, Pan American Wushu Federation, and Chinese Wushu Association. Coach Jared has trained Wushu at the East China Jiaotong University (ECJTU), Nangchang, China as part of an on-going partnership and exchange program between ECJTU and WKFFC.
Canada National Wushu Championship - Jr Team Trials (Canada)
Ontario Martial Arts Games & Selection Event - Team Trials (Canada)
USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Trials (California)
Pan American Kungfu Championships Judge (Canada)
Presidential Wushu Cup Judge (Virginia)
New England Int'l Wushu Kungfu Championships Judge (Connecticut)
Pan American Wushu Federation Certified Judge (Texas)
Intercollege Wushu Games Wushu Taolu Judge (Maryland)
USA Athlete participant in the 2016 Pan American Wushu (Texas)
USA Athlete & Bronze medalist in the 2014 Pan American Wushu Championships (Costa Rica)
Coach Sam Zhang has been training Kung Fu from an early age and mastering the Wing Chun (詠春) system under the lineage of the late Grandmaster Yip Man (業問) as Official Disciple and Instructor. He is also an instructor of Yang Style Tai Chi and Chen Style Tai Chi (陳氏太極) with expertise in Chen traditional long forms and weapons forms. Coach Zhang also has great passion for training and teaching Chinese traditional weapons including the Meteor Hammer (流星錘), Double Head Double Spear (雙頭雙槍), Bagua Deer Horn Swords (八卦子午鴛鴦鉞), Bagua Broadsword (八卦刀), and Kwan Dao (關刀). He has performed at numerous Master’s demonstrations and invited to be Judge at major Wushu - Kung Fu tournaments in the United States and abroad.
TUESDAY 8:00pm to 9:00pm
THURSDAY 8:00pm to 9:00pm
SATURDAY 9:00am to 10:00am
*Registration Required at Wushu-Kung Fu Fitness Center
Yang Style TAI CHI
TUESDAY 7:00pm to 8:00pm
SATURDAY 8:00am to 9:00am
Dr. Henry McCann (馬爾博中醫博士) is a licensed doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, and has practiced Asian martial arts and health preservation movement systems for over 30 years. Dr. McCann is a formal indoor disciple of Qigong and Taiji master Wang Fengming. His training includes the Daoist Taiji Stick and Ruler Neigong, Six Sounds for Nourishing Life practices (Six Healing Sounds), 24 Seasonal Node Daoyin, Chen Style Silk Reeling, and other classical and modern Qigong systems. Dr. McCann’s lineage of Daoist Neigong (Qigong) originated with the Song Dynasty sage Chen Tuan and was transmitted to the modern period by Hu Yaozhen, one of the most prominent exponents of Qigong in the 20th century.
Dr. McCann began his martial arts training in 1982 with Okinawan Karate, and has a 3rd degree black belt in Isshinryu, a 3rd degree black belt in Kobayashi (Shorin) Ryu, and a 2nd degree black belt in Ryukyu Kempo. He trained at the Kyudokan while living in Okinawa from 1995-1996. After his initial expertise in Okinawan systems, Dr. McCann studied Chinese Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan), starting with Yang family Taiji under Chu Gin Soon (1996-2001), and then transitioned to Hunyuan Chen Style Taiji. In 2014 Dr. McCann became a 12th generation lineage holder of Chen Style Taijiquan and a 3rd generation lineage holder of Hunyuan Chen Style Taijiquan.
In addition to Qigong and martial arts, Dr. McCann has practiced traditional Chinese medicine for more than 20 years. He is a well-known teacher of Chinese medicine who lectures regularly throughout the United States and abroad, and has taught in Ireland, Germany, Austria, Holland and Indonesia. Dr. McCann is a faculty member of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (NYC) and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (Portland). He has written numerous scholarly articles and textbooks on Asian medicine. Dr. McCann is the Director of the Institute for Classical Asian Medicine, and maintains a private practice in Madison, NJ.
Qigong Class
Saturday 8:00am - 9:00am
Monday 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Chen Style Tai Chi
Saturday 9:00am - 10:00am
Monday. 8:00pm - 9:00pm
*Registration Required at Wushu-Kung Fu Fitness Center
Coach Eddy Martell was born in New Jersey and grew up with a strong passion for martial arts and computers. He attended Passaic County Technical - Vocational High School and New Jersey Institute of Technology where he studied Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
Coach Eddy's martial arts training began in 1990. He trained in Hapkido and Taekwondo under the tutelage of Sa Bom Nim Jose Nacarrato at a private Han Moo Kwan school. Coach Eddy was introduced to Kung Fu in 1992 and began training under the guidance of Sifu Pedro Cepero Yee at Yee's Hung Ga Kung Fu Academy. In addition to Hung Ga Style Kung Fu, Eddy has expertise in traditional Chinese Lion Dance and currently teaches the Lion Dance, Praying Mantis and Wushu classes at the Wushu - Kung Fu Fitness Center. Chinese lion dance is performed during Chinese New Year celebrations, business grand openings, Kung Fu demonstrations, and other special events.
Saturday 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Saturday 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Coach Brandon Martell has been training martial arts with Wushu-Kung Fu Fitness Center since 2010. He was born in New Jersey and grew up with a strong passion for martial arts and math. His training includes Long Fist, Nanquan, Nandao, Staff, Nangun, Praying Mantis, Hung Gar, Lion Dance and Pudao.
USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Trials (Maryland, VA)
USA Athlete in the Pan-American Wushu Games (Costa Rica)
New Jersey International Wushu Kungfu Championships
New England Int'l Wushu Kungfu Championships
University Wushu Games
Karate Tournament of Champions
Coach Brandon Wong started training at the Wushu-Kung Fu Fitness Center at the age of seven. Coach Brandon is an active member of our Lion Dance and Demonstration Teams. His training includes Long Fist, Broadsword, Staff, Xingyi Quan, Nangun, Chain Whip, Nunchaku, Nandao, Nanquan, Praying Mantis and Lion Dance.
Aside from martial arts, Coach Brandon is an accomplished musician and competes in fencing.
USAWKF Kungfu Team Member (Olney, MD)
Gold Medalist in the Pan American Kungfu Championships (Canada)
USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Trials participant (Lubbock, TX)
University Wushu Games - Male All Around Champion (College Park, MD)
USAWKF Traditional Wushu Team Member (Atlantic City, NJ)
USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Trials participant (San Jose, CA)
Coach Instructor at the Wushu Kung Fu Fitness Center
Coach Henry McCann Jr. started training at the Wushu-Kung Fu Fitness Center at the age of seven. He also studied Taijiquan at the 20th International Chen Style Hunyuan, Taijiquan, and Neigong Seminar in Hangzhou, China. Coach Henry is an active member of our Lion Dance and Demonstration Teams. His training includes Long Fist, Straight Sword, Spear, Xingyi Quan, Fanzi Quan, Double Dagger, Double Hood Swords, Nunchaku, Taiji Quan, Taiji Jian (Straight Sword), and Push Hands. Aside from martial arts, Coach Henry is an accomplished musician who plays guitar, clarinet, and saxophone.
USAWKF Kungfu Team Member 2023 - 2025
Bronze Medalist at the Pan American Kungfu Championships (Canada)
USAWKF Traditional Wushu Team Member 2019 - 2021
3rd Pan American Kung Fu and Taijiquan Championships (San Jose, CA)
20th Int'l Chen Style Hunyuan Taijiquan Tournament (Hangzhou, China)
USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Trials participant (Lubbock, TX)
Coach Annie Shen has been training martial arts with Wushu-Kung Fu Fitness Center since she was eight years old. She also trained Wushu at the East China Jiaotong University (ECJTU) as part of an on-going partnership and exchange program between ECJTU and WKFFC. Prior to Wushu, Coach Annie danced ballet for four years. Her training includes Long Fist, Snake Fist, Straight Sword, Spear, and Chain Whip.
2nd & 3rd place in the IWUF (International Wushu Federation) Wushu Taolu Virtual Competition
USAWKF Traditional Wushu Team Member 2019 - 2021
Gold & Silver Medalist in the World Kungfu Championships (Emeishan, China)
2018 USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Trials participant (Lubbock, TX)
USAWKF Junior Wushu Team Member 2016 - 2018
Gold Medalist in the Pan American Wushu Championships (Lubbock, TX)
Coach Jenny Tjiong (張珍妮) began her martial arts training in 1998 and has studied Wushu, Shaolin Kung Fu, Hung Ga Kung Fu, Tai Chi , and Taekwondo. She is an international champion, certified judge, and professional instructor recognized by the World Taekwondo Federation and Chinese Wushu Association.
"one of America's top female martial artists." - Dave Cater, Editor-In-Chief, Inside Kung-Fu Magazine
USAWKF Wushu Team Coach at the 2017 7th World KungFu Championships in Emeishan, China.
Wushu Coach Certificate of Achievement awarded by Chinese Wushu Association, Vice Chairman Shao Shiwei
World Taekwondo Federation Certified Instructor and Referee
for Poomsae (Forms) and Sparring
3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo
2024 - Canada National Wushu Championships (Markham)
University Wushu Games (2015 to Present)
Karate Tournament Of Champions Nationals (2012 to Present)
NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Martial Arts Championship
Arnold Schwarzenegger Martial Arts Festival Tournament
2023 16th World Wushu Championships (Fort Worth, TX)
Video Production and Social Media Team
Certified and Licensed Zumba Instructor (2015 to Present)
Eleven time gold medalist in state, national, and international martial arts tournaments for hand forms and weapons.
Profiled in Inside Kung-Fu Magazine September 2006 issue
"one of America's top female martial artists." - Dave Cater, Editor-In-Chief
Inside Kung-Fu Magazine 2007 Competitor of the Year and Hall of Fame inductee
The first Filipina to be awarded these honors in the magazine’s 35-year history
Inside Kung-Fu Magazine 2007 Calendar – Ms. December
Nominated Ms. Philippines USA 2006 by the Federation of Philippine Societies
Filipina Women’s Network (FWN) 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the United States
Profile: Jennifer Tjiong
September 2006
Ms. December
January 2007
Hall of Fame
February 2007
Competitor of the Year
February 2007
US International Kuoshu Championships
Hunt Valley, Maryland
July 2005
National Taekwondo Championships
Colorado Springs, Colorado
November 2004
Coach Allen Tjiong (張 廣 美) was born and raised in New York City, New York. He received his BA from Columbia University and MA from New York University. Coach Allen grew up with a strong interest in martial arts and began training in Kung Fu at the age of eight taught by his father, Tjiong Wing Tak (張 榮 達), who founded Shang Wu Athletic Association (尚 武 體 育 會) in 1954. He was further inspired by the legendary Bruce Lee - a close family friend who starred in movies with Allen’s mother Sally Tjiong (aka Kwong Siu Sing or screen name “Yan-Yan”), when they were child stars in Hong Kong.
Coach Allen has trained in three styles of Kung Fu (Wing Chun, White Crane, and Pak Mei / White Eyebrow System) and Shotokan Karate. He is an international champion winning gold and silver medals at the US International Kuoshu Championships, USA Wushu–Kung Fu Nationals, Wong Fei Hung All Kung-Fu Championships, Tiger Claw National Elite Championships, and the Disney Martial Arts Championships.
Coach Allen is recognized as "Outstanding Coach" by the Chinese Wushu Association and is Advisor / Adjunct Professor in the School of Physical Education and Health of East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, China.
Wushu Coach Certificate of Achievement awarded by Chinese Wushu Association, Vice Chairman Shao Shiwei
Four time gold medalist and a silver medalist in national / international kung fu and karate tournaments for hand forms.
Inducted into Action Martial Arts Magazine 2012 Hall of Honors for “Outstanding Achievements in the Martial Arts” award.
2024 - Canada National Wushu Championships (Markham)
Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival Tournament
Karate Tournament of Champions
NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Martial Arts Championship
2023 16th World Wushu Championships (Fort Worth, TX)
Director of Marketing and Corporate Sponsorships
February 12, 2024 - MAKING HISTORY! Wushu Kung Fu Fitness Center Lion Dance Team was honored to be invited by Governor Phil Murphy and First Lady Tammy Murphy to perform at their official residence in Drumthwacket Foundation for the inaugural celebration of the Lunar New Year! Earlier this year (1/12/24), Governor Murphy signed a joint resolution designating the Lunar New Year a holiday in New Jersey to honor and embrace the rich traditions of the State's diverse Asian American and Pacific Islander community. WKFFC Lion Dance Team delivered an awesome traditional Chinese Lion Dance performance!
September 21, 2016 - Coach Allen Tjiong was honored today to meet with International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach at the inauguration ceremony announcing the creation of a new fitness and recreation center at the United Nations Headquarters generously sponsored by the IOC. Coach Allen, a United Nations official, has devoted great effort supporting Wushu to become an official Olympic sport and expressed to President Bach that "Wushu's acceptance would generate even more excitement in the Games while promoting peace, friendship, and health through martial arts".
August, 18, 2011 - Coach Allen organized/hosted the New York City visit by the China World Champion Wushu Team, officials of the Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation, and international action star JET LI. The delegation's visit to New York City was to celebrate the 40th anniversary of China’s membership in the United Nations and included a Wushu performance in the UN General Assembly (Wushu in UN - Peace, Friendship, and Health), an award ceremony with New York City officials emphasizing martial arts for health and fitness, and a visit to the New York Stock Exchange highlighted by Jet Li’s Closing Bell ceremony which focused worldwide media attention on Wushu’s efforts to become an Olympic sport.
May 18, 2014 - Following the Chinese Kung Fu Champion World Tour performance in Washington, DC, the Wushu - Kung Fu Fitness Center hosted the Chinese Wushu Association delegation and China Wushu World Champions for a visit to New Jersey and organized an exciting Wushu training session for students. The delegation was led by CWA Vice-Chairman Shao Shiwei as part of a sports exchange under the 4th China-US High Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange held in Washington last November 2013.
千萬人家 1953
Performing lion dance in
Jakarta, Indonesia
Founded 1954 in Jakarta, Indonesia by Tjiong Wing Tak (Center)
尚 武 體 育 會
Copyright © 2009 Wushu-Kung Fu Fitness Center - All Rights Reserved.
Main Office:
271 W Northfield Rd,
Livingston, NJ 07039
Phone: 973-328-6987